The indemnification limits, according to the applicable legislation, are:Ī) for the material damages produced in one and the same accident, irrespective of the number of indemnified people, the indemnification limit is established at a level of EUR 1,000,000, RON equivalent, at the exchange rate of the foreign exchange market on the accident occurrence date, communicated by the National Bank of Romania ī) for bodily injuries and deaths, including for damages without a patrimonial nature, incurred in one and the same accident, irrespective of the number of indemnified people, the indemnification limit is established at a level of EUR 5,000,000, RON equivalent, at the exchange rate of the foreign exchange market on the accident occurrence date, communicated by the National Bank of Romania Ĭ) for the material damages produced in one and the same accident, irrespective of the number of aggrieved people, the indemnification limit is established, for accidents occurred as of January 1st, 2017, at a level of EUR 1,220,000, RON equivalent, at the exchange rate of the foreign exchange market on the accident occurrence date, communicated by the National Bank of Romania ĭ) for bodily injuries and deaths, including for damages without a patrimonial nature, incurred in one and the same accident, irrespective of the number of aggrieved people, the indemnification limit is established, for accidents occurred as of January 1st, 2017, at a level of EUR 6,070,000, RON equivalent, at the exchange rate of the foreign exchange market on the accident occurrence date, communicated by the National Bank of Romania. The risks covered by the mandatory civil liability insurance policy for motor vehicles (RCA)Ī) bodily injury or death, including for damages without a patrimonial nature Ĭ) damages representing the consequence of the lack of use of the damaged vehicle ĭ) legal charges incurred by the aggrieved person.

39/2016 on insurances and reinsurances in Romania, as further amended and supplemented, compulsorily, by all the motor vehicle holders, for a period ranging from 1 to 12 months, for the motor vehicle registered in Romania The mandatory civil liability insurance policy for motor vehicles (RCA) is taken out in compliance with the provisions of Law no.