Step 3 Place two fingers on the top of one frame, then rotate the video clockwise or counterclockwise according to your need. Step 2 Open the target video from your Camera Roll and place it onto the timeline. In MacOSX and OSX rotating photos was easily done in iPhoto or Photos.app, but rotating video couldn’t be done in iPhoto or Photos.app – that had to be done in video editing software like iMovie, or a dedicated video-rotation-app. How to Rotate a Video in iMovie on iPhone Step 1 On your iPhone, run the iMovie app, create a new project, and select Movie too. It’s a video of you cat playing on the carpet, shot from above, so both portrait-mode and landscape-mode are okay for viewing, but as we prefer to view video’s on out TV it would make more sense to have it in landscape-mode. I have a movie-file that was shot on an iPhone in portrait-mode, but I think it will look better when viewed in landscape-mode. iMovie Table of Contents Modify crop, rotation, or Ken Burns effects in iMovie on Mac If you don’t like the way you’ve cropped or rotated a video clip or photo, or the way you’ve applied the Ken Burns effect, you can modify the effect or restore the clip or photo to its original state.